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 # Preguntas frecuentes 

Cursos privados

Private classes are personally tailored for each person, ideal for students with limited time (staying shorter or having a changing work schedule, for instance) and the perfect way to address specific learning needs, as well as far more flexible than group courses: there is no need to have an exact plan if you are not sure what your availability is going be, we can organise things week by week so that they adjust to your necessities.

Since there is no deadline to do the hours you purchase, you can simply use them as you go. Have enough time for 1 hour each day this week? Perfecto. Too busy with work on the next? Maybe 1 or 2 only. Are your children going on a trip with friends on the following one? Well, 2 or 3 per day then (or simply go to the beach, read a good book or do whatever you find more relaxing, just enjoy while you can).

And if you know of other people who might also be interested, you can add more students (up to 20 in total and provided you all have the approximate same level) for just €5 per hour and person and have your own private group (no one else could join in). For example, let us imagine that you buy a pack of 20 hours:

_If it is just you (1-to-1), it will be €20/hour with our regular rate
_If it is you and 1 other student (2-to-1), it will be €25/hour (€20 + €5)
_If it is you and 2 other students (3-to-1), it will be €30/hour (€20 + €5 + €5)
_If it is you and 3 other students (4-to-1), it will be €35/hour (€20 + €5 + €5 + €5)

An so on: the more, the merrier… and the cheaper : )

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